silenziosa dell’acqua
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Open Knowledge

The WHOW Project
Provide the data layer to support the implementation of water and climate-related regulations and policies.
Promote the development of innovative services leveraging Linked Open Data and Knowledge Graphs through the WHOW toolkit.

Uses Cases

Latest news and project announcements
WHOW Hackathon
We are pleased to announce the final WHOW Hackathon! This is a one-day event promoted by the EU funded project WHOW – Water Health Open knowledge – where anyone in the private, public and academia sectors interested in open data regarding water consumption, water quality, health and weather observations will come together to develop innovat
La rivoluzione silenziosa dell’acqua
L’acqua riunisce a Roma commissione europea, ministeri, fornitori d’acqua e ricercatori in un confronto aperto su sicurezza e gestione dei rischi. Puntando sugli open data. Roma, 23 marzo 2023. Si è appena concluso uno degli eventi nazionali più importanti nell’ambito delle celebrazioni della UN 2023 Water Conference. “LA RIVOLUZIONE SILENZIOSA DEL
3rd WHOW co-creation meeting
On June 27th 2022, the 3rd co-creation meeting of the WHOW project brought together the project partners and technical experts to discuss and contribute to the modeling of use cases and ontologies, starting from the work already published on Github. Each presentation was accompanied by examples of datasets and demonstration of how to use the […]

Upcoming and past events
WHOW Hackathon
We are pleased to announce the final WHOW Hackathon! This is a one-day event promoted by the EU funded project WHOW – Water Health Open knowledge – where anyone in the private, public and academia sectors interested in open data regarding water consumption, water quality, health and weather observations will come together to develop innovat
La rivoluzione silenziosa dell’acqua
L’incontro vuole affrontare le ricadute dovute alla trasposizione della Direttiva prevista entro Gennaio 2023 nell’ordinamento italiano.