WHOW Hackathon

We are pleased to announce the final WHOW Hackathon!

This is a one-day event promoted by the EU funded project WHOW – Water Health Open knowledge – where anyone in the private, public and academia sectors interested in open data regarding water consumption, water quality, health and weather observations will come together to develop innovative ideas and solutions.

The hackathon will be held both in presence and online.


Hackathon programme 

Date: 18th of November 2023

Location: Sala Marco Biagi, 1st floor Palazzo Lombardia – Piazza Città della Lombardia 1, Milan – Italy

Event URL: https://regione-lombardia.webex.com/regione-lombardia-it/j.php?MTID=mf9d0a27eae8db5160bdd68a52038379d



Opening – Guests registration 


WELCOME – Online and On premise


Introduction to Water Health Open knoWledge project and its knowledge graph. 

The Water is life: Knowing it for a Better Future challenge


Start of the challenge


Lunch break


End of the challenge


Solutions showcase


Best Solutions Awards

The theme of the hackathon is “Water is life: Knowing it for a Better Future”.

Participants can team up in groups of maximum 4-5 people. Teams will be called to develop ideas and solutions to address the following challenges:

C1: Data reuse

Design or design and development any type of data reuse of your choice  (e.g., data viz, maps, standalone applications). A set of pre-defined SPARQL queries will be made available to allow participants to query the knowledge graph and combine data according to their re-usage idea.

C2: Developing rest APIs semantically enriched

The challenge aims at creating rest APIs, well documented through API schemas that are semantically enriched with the elements defined in the WHOW ontologies and controlled vocabularies. The results are proposed for the inclusion in the Italian national catalogue of semantic assets, schema.gov.it.

C3: Multilingualism

To strengthen data re-use and make it more inclusive in an international context, it is crucial to provide multilingual resources. The goal of the challenge is to enrich the current knowledge graph with additional multilingual references, so that the resources can be navigated in different languages. Participants may consider integrating the WHOW’s pipeline for the production of Linked Open Data with translation services such as EU-Translation, or DeepL, or others of the participants’ choice.

C4: Special Challenge

Use your creativity and propose (design or design and implement) anything you want that can enrich or use the WHOW Knowledge Graph!

The results produced will be made available on open source platforms (e.g., gitlab, github).

The winner projects will be mentioned in official EU deliverables to be delivered to the European Commission and will appear in the institutional web sites of the WHOW public partners.

To register for the hackathon, please use the following registration form

We hope to see you there!

The WHOW team